Sunday, January 7, 2007

Happy New year!

I know, Im late..sorry about that.
I went to the baby doctor as faith calls him on thursday 1/4/07. I puked while I was there . Very not like me when I'm pregnant I have you know.. We heard the heart beat and I lost another 5 pounds. She was not concerned. She did give me an antibiotic as I have a sinus infection from the cold and another med for nausea which I am happy to report I did not fill cause I have not had any.
We cam home and I crawled into bed for the rest of the day with diarrhea. I'm back on the mend and feeling better. Gotta love those 24 hour bugs.
I am so happy to report that I will be joining my friends at TLC! They have a great promotion going on for those of us that transfer over. I can't wait to sign up!
Bryan may have a new job at the end of the month. It's great news but im not sure what we are going to do about the health insurance.. A little prayer and some guidance would be much appreciated..
It's now almost 2 am, I need to cuddle with my hubby before he goes off to sleep. We will talk later.

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