Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hospitals and sickness..YUCK!!

Happy Thursday to ya!!

It's good to be home! My little Emilee was hospilized from Sunday until yesterday morning for vomiting and severe dehydration and Strep! it took more then 2 bags of fluids to finally get her to pee. She is still having trouble keeping food down. This has been going on for 2 weeks now. The Drs say it's from the strep, but I think the strep was secondary. She was given the penicillin on Monday morning..4 days later she still having trouble??
While I was there walking the halls with Emilee I noticed some of the children there that were far worse off then she is! I am thankful and grateful to God that I have relatively healthy kids! It could always be worse!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Hello Friends,

Just checking in!! I wish you the luck of the Irish today!! I will be wearing my lucky Irish Flyers shirt tonight as they play Atlanta..Hope they win!!
Tomorrow the girls and I will be off to visit my Mom and Dad for the week..It seems like it was last weekend when we were there but it was 3 weeks ago!
I'll be sure to post some pictures!!