Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little Scare

After I last posted I picked up my little baby and realized she was very hot. I found the thermomater and took her temp..104.4 axillary. Not good. I went into the den and talked to dear hubby. After debate on how much tylenol to give, we decided to call the Dr.(Super Mom cant remember!LOL) Well after getting off the phone because it's now 10pm, Bryan says we have to go to the ER.
ER, what?? She doesnt need to go there. She had no other symptoms. But he explained to me because of her immature immune system..so we took her.
By the time she saw the triage nurse it's 102 rectally. She gave her tylenol and we waited. After about half hour we were called back and saw the peditrician right away. She ordered blood tests, urine cultures and a spinal tap. After having trouble getting all the above things and waiting some more the doctor came back and said she has to say. her WBC count is elevated..which means she has an infection. 4:30am we finally get a room. THe poor thing was poked and prodded, I felt so bad for her. Bryan stayed with her and I went home to sleep and regroup.
Two days later she was discharged. All the test came back negative and her fever never returned. She is eating like a horse and has busted out of her newborn clothes! LOL
I thank God nothing was seriously wrong with my precious girl.


"Kreative Karma" said...

I can't believe that they wanted to give her a spinal tap, aren't those really dangerous? I am so glad that she is ok now! What a sweetie, I love that little pink saucer chair, lol!

luv2stamp said...

Kim, I'm so happy that everything turned out okay for you darling baby girl! There is NOTHING SCARIER than a sick child! Blessings to you and the family!