Saturday, August 11, 2007

3 weeks

Time is passing by so fast.. Emilee was 3 weeks old this past Wednesday. Her cheeks are getting so chubby! I'm hoping her little face starts to clear..she has baby acne, I would like to get pictures taken of her. maybe next week.

I am seriously considering leaving the squad. I am very hurt that no one seemed to care that I had a baby! After I emailed everyone I got maybe 5 responses back. One was from Val telling me I should expect something soon from the squad. I waited..nothing. So I emailed val and asked her about it. It seems that it wasn't official that I was getting anything, she sort of jumped the gun.
I am fine with not getting anything, it would have been nice but so be it. what I'm most upset about that the chief or Pres couldnt even pick up the phone and say congrats! I've only been a member for 14 years, I think I at least deserve that! I know come Oct. when a certain someone else has there second child all the bells and whistles will be blown for her! it has always come down to the in crowd verses the nobodies..I want to feel that I belong no matter who I am and what I do for the group. I no longer feel that way towards the squad. I can walk in there some days and no one talks to me.. we are could at least expect a hello...OK..I am done with this, I am going to get my BP up if I think about it any longer. I am not the type either to stew on things too..I need to forgive(which I have) and move on..that's the thing I'm having trouble with..I love EMS, it's hard to walk away from that.

1 comment:

luv2stamp said...

It can be so frustrating working where there is favoritism and/or no regard for other employees. I have never been able to understand that management mentality. Don't let them get you down girl! You're an awesome young woman and a "Scrappy Redhead"! And you're the only one!