Monday, August 6, 2007

Very Tired!

We went to Great adventure yesterday for a day of family fun. I did not know 12 hours could go by so quickly!!
faith was very excited, she woke me up at 7am..I rolled out of bed around 7:30am. I made everyone pancakes and then it was off to the shower. We managed to get out of the house by 9:45!!
We arrived around noon and by the time we got everything loaded into the stroller and walked the very long walk from the parking lot..we reached the gate at 12:30. We went to the park area where our not so delicious FREE lunch was waiting for us. Of course we had to wait till exactly 1pm to get in..By the time everyone was fed it was 2pm before we headed to the first ride. Splash Down so they could cool off..Faith upon being coaxed went with daddy and Lindsey to the line only to be turned away because the ride broke!
We went to Wiggles World where Faith had some fun while Bryan and Lindsey rode a ride. Emilee and I hung out in the heat.
Rides Bryan and Lindsey rode:
roller coaster in Skull Mountain
El Torro
Sponge Bob Squarepants 3D ride w/ Faith

I rode 1 ride which was enough for me.. Rolling Thunder..had this weird kid sitting in front of us..
Faith has a much longer list then the rest of us..
Play land at Wiggles
Big Red Planes w/ Lindsey
roller coaster w/ Lindsey
balloons in bugs bunny land w/ Lindsey
planes in Bugs bunny land x 2
Play land at Balin Jungleland

As you can see we had a very busy day.. Emilee was an absolute angel, I had no problems with her at all. She slept all the way home, of course everyone else did too..even through the pouring rain and lightening!

So as you can see we had a busy day..

1 comment:

luv2stamp said...

I'm tired just reading it! But it sure sounds like the kids had much fun. I bet they were ready for another round after their naps!