Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Emilee's a week old today!

It's hard to believe it's been a week already.. We are slowly getting into some kind of routine. she wakes me around 1am then again between 3 and 4am. If it's the latter time then I get a repreive and she does not stir until 8 am or later. If it's 3am then she wakes around 5 or so. Last night I guess she was getting back at me for giving her, her first bath at home cause she woke at 1 am and did not go back to sleep until 4:30am..Needless to say I am tired. Bryan has not been any help since he has been getting home late(sometimes he times it right and gets to do the 1 am feeding)so I am left to do night shift too.
Her umbilical cord fell off last night during her very brief bath. She has an inny!! LOL
Just wanted to share some more pictures from her birthday! The picture above is me and my little angel about a half hour after I delivered her. I unfortunately did not get any photos of the birth or while they were weighing her since I delivered in the OR. The priority at that moment was my health and Emilee's health.

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