Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rest easy..

Tonight at 11:00pm I turned on the news to learn that Osama Bin laden was killed by US troops. To all the men and women who perished on September 11, 20011 by his hand may all of you rest in peace!

More to follow..
UPDATE 5/8/2011
It's been a week since we learned the news of Bin Laden's death. Every day the news has something on about it. I feel relief that he was finally caught and though I don't believe that we should take a life unneccessarily, I believe that the right thing was carried out! There are news reports that he used one of his wives as a human shield! How pitiful is that!!
The Taliban are now saying they are going to revolt against Obama and the US..Should this deter us in our war against evil on our own country? No, but I think as a country we must stand tall and not back down! We are trying to better the World against terriorism and give our children a better place to live!

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