Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where has the time gone??

Hello All,

I cna't believe it's April and I hate to admit that I still have some of my christmas decorations up! LOL It's been a rough couple of months. I have been sick and the kids have been sick and it seems that not a week has gone by that someone has not been feeling well. Emilee was recently hospitalized for 4 days for severe dehydration from vomiting and strep. The vomiting started the week before and was once daily. Then it progressed. It also turns out that part of the problem was gastric reflux which she had a problem with when she was a baby. The Docs in the ER and hospital thought it was just from the strep but after treatment for the strep the vomiting continued. After 3 days at home we went back to the Dr. and she thought it was either post nasal drip form allergies or the gastric reflux. She's doing better now, she stopped vomiting a few days ago after giving her some kids pepto. I am going to give her the Prilosec until it's gone just to be sure.
It's been a very scary few weeks not knowing why she was so sick. Mother's intuition told me it was reflux and as usual I was right!

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