Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bitter Sweet

This week is my last week working and it's been bitter sweet. Today as I type this note I am working at Upper Rescue for the last time. This is a place that has taught me so very much about life, friends, and EMS. I will cherish my time here always. I look forward to the new journey ahead and pray that my experiences here will help me along this new path my family takes.
Monday was my last shift at Tropicana and I felt really good about it..Shirley and Carol were very sweet and bought me a cake..We ate it today, it was yummy!! Strawberry Shortcake!!
Thursday will be my last shift at Caesar's and then the Weekend I'm at Bally's..Can't wait for Monday morning at 4am! I will officially be finished. Not a moment too soon either. The end of the month brings new changes to the Med units of Bally's and Caesar's. Dr. Bisk will no longer be there and with that brings a new doctor and new staff. I would most likely be out of a job either way.
A lot of things are changing. If you like change then it's good, if you don't then it's a harder road for you but know this...God is always there to light your way!!

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