Saturday, October 10, 2009

Faith Turns 7!!

I can't believe it myself but my little girl is 7! Her birthday was this past thursday and she was soooo excited! Daddy decided to take her to Applebee's and she had ice cream and everyone sang Happy Birthday!!
No pictures of this event however because Dad also forgot the camera but I did manage to take a shot or two of her opening her present..She got Birthday Pet Shops ...later in the week we went to the mall where she got the hanna Montana Build a Bear! And to top it off grandma bought her a giftcard for American Girl store so our next rip to New York she will be bringing home her doll!
Come to think of it she had more like a birthday week..MomMom took her out last Saturday and she went to a movie..Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, dinner at Applebee's and shopping at Target where she got all the Hello kitty clothes they could find!!

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